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Kissed by the Sun
Learn how to counteract summer heat problems without losing the fun on warm sunny days!
A vacation in the sun has many benefits, but it also brings with it some discomfort.  Heat pimples, runny make-up, weak circulation and dullness - in summer you sometimes have to struggle with quite special problems. It is above all the symbiosis of strong sunlight, high temperature and moisture, as well as the absence of wind over a longer period of time that causes the body problems. In heat, the body produces more sweat, which vaporizes on the skin to keep the body temperature stable. If the heat is too high, there may be problems with this heat regulation and physical consequences could arise. Sunstroke, collapse, heat stroke and strong exhaustion can appear. Also the skin has its problems with the sun. As you sweat more, the pores widen and open all gates for dirt. Even our smartphones don't like the summer heat and turn into lava stones when overheated by the sun.

We'll tell you how to counteract summer problems without losing the fun of warm days with these simple tips.

#Hot Body

Drink, drink, drink... To avoid health problems caused by heat, you should take care in advance to prevent dehydration of the body with 3 to 4 litres of alcohol-free liquid per day. On particularly hot days, sweating can result in a loss of up to 3 litres of water. This loss must be balanced out before a feeling of dullness and a headache occur. The best is water, followed by thinned fruit or vegetable juices to compensate for the mineral loss caused by sweating. Avoid excessive exercise in the sun.  You should always look at your own skin type in relation to the UV exposure of the location to decide how long you can stay in the sun. It is important to have sun protection that is tailored to your skin type. Those who are not familiar with skin types or are unsure can have a skin type analysis performed in a beauty salon or by a dermatologist. After a lukewarm shower or a cold footbath you will feel very refreshed. Aloe vera products also have a cooling effect.

#Hot skin

For everyday use, a light day cream with UV protection is ideal instead of a heavy foundation. A cooling face spray helps to refresh the skin on the way. During the summer months, you often touch your forehead, cheeks and chin with your hands in order to wipe off sweat, so you should wash your face with water several times a day. Avoid oil- and grease-based cleansers and prefer a gently foaming cleansing with plant-based ingredients. Use a moisturizing fluid or a water-based hydrating cream at night. A facial gel mask from the refrigerator (not freezer) can help quickly if your cheeks are swollen during the day.

#Hot Phone

The battery suffers considerably from excessively high temperatures in bright sunlight and can lose its service life. The display and hardware are also not designed for temperatures above 50° Celsius and can be damaged. To prevent your phone from becoming a pretty expensive paperweight, you should always avoid places where heat accumulates for your phone. Do not leave it in the sun under direct sunlight. Better place it in the door shelf instead of the dashboard. It's better to pack the phone into your bag on the beach or leave it in your hotel. You will feel pretty quickly when it gets too hot for our electronic best friend, because the phone gets glowing hot. If it has already happened and our phone is already heated, it is important to limit the use of the phone in order to avoid asking too much of it. High-resolution games, videos, music, updates and apps are an extra burden. It would be better to reduce the usage to the minimum or just switch it off completely before it burns out. Let the phone cool down properly in a normal temperature place. That means: hands off! Just let it rest for a few hours while the phone is switched off. Never put it in the freezer or refrigerator! The resulting condensation can settle in the appliance. You can download a temperature control app for your appliance to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Finally, the only recommendation is to stay in the shade. Let's face it, sunbathing makes wrinkles. We notice it again and again: People who have spent a lot of time tanning in the sun at a young age usually don't look very fresh today.
