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all about Detox diets
Indeed, some myths, fairy tales, miraculous recoveries and other curiosities surround the much-hyped concept of detox. But what exactly is meant by this term, how can you detox, is it possible to detox healthily without medical supervision and many other questions around the topic of detox are summarized here in a nutshell.

ATTENTION: In general, you should feel physically fit to deny the body nutrients and solid food. Many people underestimate how quickly a circulation system can collapse or an immune system can be weakened. Detox should not be seen as a way of losing weight, but rather to free the body from substances that have no place in it. The best thing is still to have a doctor check up before such an action on the physical well-being. Always take only one organ for detoxification. The liver, kidneys, intestines etc. can and have to be detoxified in different ways.

Question 1
What does a doctor say about detox?

Variant 1: Absolute nonsense, you should not do something like that to your body.
Variant 2: once or twice a year is perfect to regenerate the body.

Question 2
Why is detox not recommendable?

Fasting and pure liquid intake is not a balanced diet. Our intestines cleanse themselves. Rather, muscles keep its contents permanently in motion. Specialised cells form mucus so that food can pass through the digestive tract. The intestinal contents have nothing to do with the hard chunks of a often compared oven slag. It is filled with about seven litres of digestive fluids, a finely balanced mixture provided by several organs. At the same time, the intestine takes some effort to remove the majority of this liquid from the food leftovers towards the end of the digestive process, preparing them for excretion. There is no plausible reason to disturb these natural processes by refilling water from above or below. "In a healthy human body, there is no collection of waste products and deposition of metabolic products. Non-usable substances are excreted via the intestines and kidneys," clarifies the German Nutrition Society (DGE). Likewise, the loss of nutrients through so-called detox should not be underestimated. An oven does not burn if you only put a piece of paper in it at regular intervals.

Question 3
Why is detox recommended?

Deeply stored toxins in our intestines and cells promote, and possibly even trigger a variety of diseases. All the more reason to think about a regular detox treatment and do your body good. Not everything we eat every day is good for our body. Does it have to be the finished product from the supermarket every lunchtime? Does it have to be a package of cigarettes every day? Why three bottles of beer every day? The classic idea of detox is to leave out whatever makes you sick. Let's be honest: these are all deluxe products that our body doesn't really need. Our nerves maybe, but we're here on a purely physical level. So the basic idea of Detox is very simple: back to our roots and give the body a break from modern food crap.

Question 4
How do I know if my body should detoxify?

- Tiredness, exhaustion and loss of performance
- Indigestion: constipation, flatulence or
- Skin changes
- Headache or other chronic pain
- Psychological changes
- Joint problems and rheumatism

Question 5
What types of detox are there?

- The detox cure, which is very similar to fasting, and where no solid food is used at all, except for some snacks and
- the detox diet cure, which usually lasts six weeks, and where a number of foods are allowed.
However, the following applies to all variants: no gluten, no alcohol, no caffeine, no nicotine, no sugar, less fat, preferably unprocessed food.

Question 6
How do I detox correctly with a fasting detox?

As a rule, fasting lasts ten days. This period is accompanied by a lot of exercise, preferably in the fresh air, a lot of fluid intake in the form of water and teas, and only a minimal programme of food - such as fruit purees and paps. Some allow only teas, others rely on fruit juices and still others allow only fasting soups. This shuts down intestinal activity, so that the feeling of hunger disappears. This blatant form of detox can often cause circulation problems.

Question 7
How do I detox correctly in a cure detox?

It is about cleansing and detoxifying the body. Therefore you do not give up food completely when detoxing, but only those foods that are not good for the body. Therefore, those who detoxify generally avoid industrially processed foods, wheat flour products, alcohol, sugar, meat, coffee, fish and cheese. During the detox phase, instead, a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy cereals such as quinoa, millet or whole-grain products are on the table. In order not to burden the body unnecessarily, it is important to drink at least one to two litres a day (you should anyway). The best way to do this is to drink still water or unsugared herbal tea.

Question 8
What are the benefits of detox products?

Here most doctors, alternative practitioners, consumers and spirits agree: money-making! special drinks, powders or "detox" patches, all nonsense! When the British scientific organization "Voice of Young Science" analyzed the market in 2009, it found that no two manufacturers had the same definition of what is meant by "detox". Even though the advertising for these products sometimes used scientific terms, none of the manufacturers had proof of effectiveness. When the young researchers asked the manufacturers, most of them admitted that the methods advertised as "detox" were more profane, such as washing, brushing or drinking tea.

Question 9
Well, what next?

Actually, that's something you could easily answer for yourself. Just ask yourself what is not good for you and give it up. In general you don't need to do detox if you eat balanced and natural. Means: Pay attention to the sugar content and the carbs. Alcohol only in moderation. Avoid nicotine and artificial substances if possible. Understand ingredients and nutritional content. Live more sensibly. Because if you damage your body all year long and detox one time, nothing can be fixed.

You see the topic of detox is both a commercial and a very personal topic, where first of all everyone has to decide for themselves how they want to improve their life temporarily or permanently. A small 10-day detox cure might be the right start to take a closer look at it.
PS: if you are still interested in the topic of detox, here are some keywords that you should read through:
Detox treatment according to Dr. Yu, detox juice treatment, fasting cure, spa clinics, food table for detox cures, detox diet, duration of detox cures, base fasting, detoxification, a purifying diet, the most important antioxidants, sugar-free, detoxification and detox in naturopathy
